Ethan David

3/17/2011-3/28/2011 Forever in our hearts

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's been awhile sweet baby...

I feel so bad, yesterday was your 8 months in Heaven and I almost forgot it...I have been so busy with your older brothers, school, work and me not feeling good.I know that is not a good excuse AT ALL.I really miss you Ethan and this Christmas is going to be especially hard, because you are not here.

I have started to attend an online school so that I can better my education and get an actual degree! I also got a part-time job at Target!(it's only seasonal, but hey after not working 6 years I am really happy!) Your older brothers are doing good, Connor hasn't had a seizure since Halloween and I am really hoping for no more! He turns 3 on the 22nd! Then it's preschool time for him!

I don't know what we are going to do for your 1 year angelversary, which is in's really hard to think of that right now.

I promise to be here more often, I love and miss you Ethan!