Ethan David

3/17/2011-3/28/2011 Forever in our hearts

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

30 weeks and Ethan's birthing plan.

Went to Akron today to see the Maternal/Fetal and The Heart to see Ethan he weighs about 3pounds 4 ounces....and overall is doing okay. I get to the Heart center and they scared me half to death telling me they couldnt find the one vein they were looking for(they ended up finding it) more update to come soon...


  1. Melissa,

    My name is Kathy. I am mom to two wonderful boys Aidan and Jacob. Jacob is 9 months old and has HLHS. I also found out when I was 20 weeks pregnant and know how scary the unknowns are. Jacob had a rough start but these kids are so strong and now he is thriving. He has had 2 out of 3 of the surgeries and he is just like any other 9 month old learning to crawl, laughing and enjoying life. He is developing normally and weighs more than kids without a heart defect. Life as a heart mom is a roller coaster full of ups and downs but it is so worth it.

    Feel free to email me anytime at I started writing Jacob's blog right when I found out he had HLHS. I have everything on there that he went through if you want to read his journey. He also had a intact septum so that was why he was so sick at first but again he is a fighter and is doing great now.

    Hang in there. Jake's blog is

    Heart hugs,

  2. Melissa,

    I, too, have an HLHS heart warrior (as we call them.) She is 8 months old and has undergone 2 out of the 3 required surgeries. She is happy and thriving. Just like any baby, she drives me batty sometimes, but she's a miracle and the strongest little girl I know. I started blogging in February 2010, a few months after her diagnosis (at 19 weeks gestation.) Her name is Zoe. Feel free to visit our family blog and see pictures of Zoe - her smile will capture your heart! This heart community is amazing and we're all one big family offering never-ending support.

    Heart hugs,

  3. Sorry, forgot to post our blog...
