Ethan David

3/17/2011-3/28/2011 Forever in our hearts

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Two Months

Ethan would have been two months old today.

My day has been pretty fact this has been a long two months for me. What made my day was hearing my little sister has another baby on the way!! She is due December 8th I can't be more happier for her!

She was a little hesitant about telling me because of everything that has been going on...but I am happy to be hearing it from her!

Baby Ethan I am positive you are watching over her!!! I <3 you so much!

Congrats to Jessica and Jake and Tyler!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Super awesome.
    I think of you and Ethan almost everyday!!! I know he is watching down on you and your family!!!
